Basic Authentication with Java 11 HttpClient

In this article, we will create Java 11 HttpClient that accesses Basic Auth protected REST API resource using sync and async mode. We will use Kotlin for a reference implementation. Spring Boot 2 based Basic Auth Server You can directly do…

Java 1 1 support from Google App Engine

Google’s App Engine cloud has added official support for Java 11, the latest long-term support (LTS) version of the Java language platform, as a production release. The App Engine Standard Environment Java 11 runtime is generally available…

How monitoring can kill your Spring Boot 1.x application performance

Any system or application on production without good monitoring should be banned. Monitoring, especially in a large distributed system, is not an option, it’s a must. I hope that this is pretty obvious and I don’t have to explain why. At o…

Microservices with DevOps Make Changes

Microservice architecture emerged from a common set of DevOps ideologies that came into being at companies like Amazon, Netflix, SoundCloud, Facebook, Google and several others. In many cases, those companies started with monolithic applic…

Spring Boot and Microservices

If you were developing web applications 5 or 10 years ago, you would appreciate the advancements in the web apps and microservices space. Microservices architectural pattern has disrupted the way we create applications for the cloud. With …

Spring Boot and Spring Security Updating

Recently we updated one of our internal applications from Spring Boot 1.5 to 2.1, which includes an update of Spring Security. After the update the OAuth2 security started to fail in the backend, it stopped recognizing the authentication. …

Simple Object Access Protocol Vs. REpresentational State Transfer

SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol): SOAP is a method of transferring messages, or small amounts of information, over the Internet. SOAP messages are formatted in XML and are typically sent using HTTP (hypertext transfer protocol). SOAP u…

New features comes with Java 13

JEP 353 — Reimplement the Legacy Socket API JEP 353 covers the new implementation of the Socket API. To be more precise, an additional, more modern implementation of the Socket API (which was introduced in Java 1), has been added to the co…

Java FileHandling Methodology

JDK Versions Java code samples don’t live in isolation, especially when it comes to Java I/O, as the API keeps evolving. All code for this article has been tested on: Java SE 7 (jdk1.7.0_80) Java SE 8 (jdk1.8.0_162) Java SE 9 (jdk-9.0.4) W…

How to enable Junit with Spring boot Projects

In this article, we will learn how to enable JUnit 5 in a newly created SpringBoot project. We are going through the following steps: Initialize new Sprint Boot project Having a look at our pom.xml and mostly on sprint-boot-starter-test de…

JSP Life cycle Events explained

JSPs are actually servlets, as you have already seen. Container will convert all jsp files into servlets before executing them. JSPs just provide an easy way to create components containing non-java code. Once a JSP page is created and dep…

Java 13 Updates revealed Checkout here

Java 13 doesn’t have too many major updates which are usually called a JEP (Java Enhancement Proposal). Here is a list of JEPs which were delivered in the new version of Java: Switch Expressions (Preview) Text Blocks (Preview) Reimplement …

What Changes Switch in Function with Java 13 Update

package com.mkyong.java13; public class JEP354 { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println(getValueViaYield("a")); System.out.println(getValueViaYield("c")); System.out.println(getValueViaYield("e")); System.out.println(g…

Digital Marketing Strategies that changes the growth

1.Because Digital Marketing Levels the Online Playing Field Gone are the days when business owners still welcome the notion that Digital Marketing is only for the likes of multinationals and large corporations that have the sufficient reso…

Is Java Apt for Making Machine learning Applications

When we talk about computer languages in the domain of Machine Language and Artificial Intelligence, we hear about Python and R as the language to learn. Most of the people don’t know that Java could also be used for ML, AI or Data science…

What is Reverse Engineering Methodology

History of reverse engineering:- Reverse engineering most probably starts with Dos (disk operating system) based computer games. The aim is to have full life and armed for the player to finish the final stage of the game. In that way the t…

What are key difference between APIs and Microservices

What Is an API? First, let’s define what an API is. According to Wikipedia, an API (application programming interface) is: a set of subroutine definitions, communication protocols, and tools for building software. In general terms, it is a…

Features Behind LinkedHashSet

The LinkedHashSet is an implementation of a Set Collection in Java. The Set collections are known for storing no-duplicates. The LinkedHashSet is a modified version of Java HashSet. Hence LinkedHashSet extends HashSet. The HashSet is a uni…

How to boosting your Jenkins performance

Minimize the amount of builds on the master node The master node is where the application is actually running, this is the brain of your Jenkins and, unlike a slave, it is not replaceable. So, you want to make your Jenkins master as “free”…

How Microservices perform with Java EE

Microservices and Java EE The Java EE 8 set of specifications allows the creation of monolithic applications with ease. The main benefit of being a Java EE developer is that you don’t have to worry about handling technical concerns like ne…

Microservices Architectural in Java

What is Microservices in Java? Microservices in Java is an architectural style that allows developers to separate an application into smaller services to create, test, and release different features and functionalities individually to save…

What is Doubly Linkedlist Method in java

In this article we’ll have a look at a data structure known as a Doubly Linked List. If you’re unfamiliar with Linked Lists. A Doubly Linked Lists (often abbreviated as DLL), is very much alike a regular Singly Linked Lists (SLL).Both DLL …

Top New Features of Angular 8

Angular 8 has been out a few months now and includes a handful of useful new features developers are already putting to good use. Google’s popular client-side web framework continues to evolve, and the latest major release includes feature…

Concept About Angular and Angularjs

Probably, for most of front-end developers, Angular is a well known framework made for building web applications. If we want to use Angular in our project, we have to choose one of its versions – AngularJS or other. AngularJS – or as some …

How fast can a BufferedReader read lines in Java?

In an earlier post, I asked how fast the getline function in C++ could run through the lines in a text file. The answer was about 2 GB/s, certainly over 1 GB/s. That is slower than some of the best disk drives and network connections. If y…

java developer should know about HashMap

Philosophy behind hashMap: If you are looking for an element in a "list", the order of lookup would be proportional to the length of the list, however, if you split this list into multiple mini-lists AND IF you can quickly tell in which mi…

Java Collection Framework overview

Java Collections are used in every programming language and initial java release contained few classes for collections: Vector, Stack, Hashtable, Array. But looking at the larger scope and usage, Java 1.2 came up with Collections Framework…

Why Java Programming Language is the best for beginners

Understanding what core Java is about is a must before mastering this programming language. So what are the core concepts? Well, they are as follows: Object-oriented programming concepts ( this includes abstraction, containment, inheritanc…

What are the Features of spring boot for web development

Spring Boot just takes away all these pains and let you write the code which matters i.e. application code. All of the Spring Boot features which I mentioned e.g. auto-configuration, Starter POMs or Starter dependency and Spring Boot CLI a…

LifeCycle in Java Servlet

If you are all set to attend an interview related to J2EE/Java Web application development then, it is recommended to brush up this important concept.I witnessed this question in telephonic round interview. Today I am documenting it for fu…