Entries from 2019-02-01 to 1 month

Learn to program effortlessly

While technological advancement and automation are sweeping across industries, rendering many jobs redundant, the software development industry continues to grow at unparalleled rates; all this new technology and automation runs on softwar…

programming revolutions updates

Here are few datas which is analyzed in this programming era Many companies are rightly shifting their platform from in-house infrastructure to cloud-based solutions like AWS or Azure, meaning software architecture also tends to be more Do…

Spring boot with multiple database

When I developing my project requires to connect to the multiple databases. But I didn't get any better resources on the web. With the best of knowledge to giving the apparent tutorial. Let's dive into the code. Step -1:- Define Database c…

Angular 5 features and benefits

Angular 5 is generally considered to be “faster, lighter and easy to use” as compared to the previous versions of the same framework. Generally, Angular is rather sizeable when put next to other web development frameworks, which makes it s…

Thread safety method in Java

Thread-safety or thread-safe code in Java refers to code which can safely be used or shared in concurrent or multi-threading environment and they will behave as expected. any code, class or object which can behave differently from its cont…

Spring framework 5.1 new features

Here are features of spring 5.1 General Core Revision Infrastructure: Warning-free support for JDK 11 on the classpath and the module path. Support for Graal native image constraints (reflection, parameter names). Upgrade to Reactor Core 3…

Spring boot interview questions

Here are the frequently asked interview questions on spring boot Q: Have you written Test cases using Spring Boot ? A: Spring Boot provides the @SpringBootTest for writing Unit Test Cases Q: What is YAML ? A: YAML is a human-readable data …

Spring boot tutorial | Learn spring boot

Spring is an enterprise Java framework. Java EE development and make developers more productive. Spring makes use of Inversion of Control and Dependency Injection to promote good software coding practices and speed up development time. The…