Spring boot with multiple database

When I developing my project requires to connect to the multiple databases. But I didn't get any better resources on the web. With the best of knowledge to giving the apparent tutorial. Let's dive into the code.

Step -1:- Define Database connection properties

For every Database, connection requires a URL, username, and password. These properties define in an application.properties file.

For example :


#Connection one properties





#Connection two properties






Step-2:- Make a Connection to Databases

Once define database properties and its time to make a connection to the database with these properties by using DataSource.

Datasource is for keeping multiple connections, Transaction Management, and JDBC connectivity.



public DataSourceProperties sampleDSProperties() {

return new DataSourceProperties();



public DataSource sampleDS( @Qualifier(“DSOneProp”) DataSourceProperties sampleDSProperties) {

return sampleDSProperties.initializeDataSourceBuilder().build();



public LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean sampleEmFact(@Qualifier(“DSOne”) DataSource DS,EntityManagerFactoryBuilder builder) {

return builder.dataSource(DS).packages(“com.xyz.sampleModels”).build();



public PlatformTransactionManager transDSTransmanager(@Qualifier(“transEmFactOne”) EntityManagerFactory transEmFact) {

return new JpaTransactionManager(transEmFact);


@Bean(name = “sampleOneJdbcTemplate”)

public JdbcTemplate postgresJdbcTemplate( @Qualifier(“DSOne”)

DataSource dsPostgres) {

return new JdbcTemplate(dsPostgres);


This above code for only making a connection to only one database. For a different connection need to define different class.

Step-3:- Making a query

Querying a database by two ways, Repository and JDBC.

1. By querying with Repository, define the Repository and Models package in Configuration class.

For Example:-



@EnableJpaRepositories(basePackages= {“com.xyz .repositories”},entityManagerFactoryRef=”transEmFactOne”)

public class TransConfig {




public DataSourceProperties sampleDSProperties() {

return new DataSourceProperties();




public DataSource sampleDS( @Qualifier(“DSOneProp”) DataSourceProperties sampleDSProperties) {

return sampleDSProperties.initializeDataSourceBuilder().build();




public LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean sampleEmFact(@Qualifier(“DSOne”) DataSource DS,EntityManagerFactoryBuilder builder) {

return builder.dataSource(DS).packages(“com.xyz.sampleModels”).build();




public PlatformTransactionManager transDSTransmanager(@Qualifier(“transEmFactOne”) EntityManagerFactory transEmFact) {

return new JpaTransactionManager(transEmFact);



@Bean(name = “sampleOneJdbcTemplate”)

public JdbcTemplate postgresJdbcTemplate( @Qualifier(“DSOne”)

DataSource dsPostgres) {

return new JdbcTemplate(dsPostgres);



2. By querying with JDBC, inject the JDBC Template class dependency into our class.

For Example:-


public class SampleJDBCTemplate {



private JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate;

public void JDBCQuery(){

//write to your JDBC query, jdbcTemplate.Query




Spring boot tutorials